Exploring the MIL-STD-1553B Catalog: Data Bus Couplers

  As we’ve mentioned previously, one reason we love MIL-STD-1553 technology is because it boasts roots powering some of the coolest technology imaginable — world-changing machines like the F-16 Fighter Jet. But beyond the “wow” factor, this also means that today’s MIL-STD-1553B solutions are rugged, reliable, and capable of providing turn-key solutions.
  And, since it’s also our belief that “flexibility is the key to airpower,” we’re proud to stock a comprehensive catalog of MIL-STD-1553B solutions for maximum flexibility, including bus and stub cables, TRB connectors and Trompeter Connectivity Solutions.
  So let’s explore how different aspects of MIL-STD-1553B can help you, starting with data bus couplers. We offer the industry’s most comprehensive line of MIL-STD-1553B data bus couplers, including:
  Box Style Data Bus CouplersOur box-style couplers offer ideal solutions for a wide assortment of military, aerospace and commercial applications. We offer everything from 1-stub couplers to 8-stub couplers and everything in between. Each coupler category also includes single-, double-, and non-terminated couplers.
  Inline Data Bus CouplersOriginally designed for airborne applications, our inline bus couplers are also available in a variety of styles, including everything from 1-stub couplers to 4-stub couplers, each available in single-terminated, double-terminated, or non-terminated models. These couplers take the rugged performance and utility of box-style couplers, shrink it down, and provide it in a smaller, but equally reliable form.
  Bus KitsComprehensive and cutting edge, our bus kits (available in both 2-terminal bus kits and 4-terminal bus kits) include box couplers, terminators, six-foot cable assemblies and a four-foot cable assembly.
  We’re proud to offer all of these 1553B solutions with same-day shipping.



